Thursday, March 14, 2013


1 Corinthians 15

20. But now Christ is risen from the dead, and has become the Firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep.

QUOTE: Jesus is called "the Firstfruits of those that rise from the dead". (I Corinthians 15:20) Three days and nights after His crucifixion and early in the morning Jesus rose again from the grave. The Resurrection of Jesus came on the first day of the week. That day happened to be the 17th of Nisan, right on the Feast of Firstfruits. Note that the sabbath or 'high day" of the first day of the seven days of Unleavened Bread is then followed by a regular weekly seventh day sabbath, (or Saturday). There were two Sabbaths back to back that year, which was 32 A.D.


I believe these two videos are very informative concerning the FEAST DAYS and the END of TIME.

QUOTE: In the case of the Feast of Firstfruits on the morrow after the weekly Sabbath of Passover in the year of the passion something wonderful and unexpected happened. Our Savior fulfilled the third feast, the Feast of Firstfruits. He rose from the dead as stipulated in Leviticus, on the morrow after the 7th day Sabbath following Passover on the first day of the week. He was the Firstfruits from the dead. Thus in His resurrection from the dead He fulfilled the Feast of Firstfruits. Resurrection Sunday came right on the Feast of Firstfruits. Tis "moed" or "appointed time" had been celebrated, (and foreshadowed), in the Old Covenant. The celebration had been given by YHVH/God through Moses to the covenant people of God as they gathered at Sinai. 



JUST A SIDE NOTE, as an encouragement...

I truly wish I had thought of this earlier: 

I hope as you are moving forward in ways to HONOR and give TESTIMONY to the LORD that you too are considering  "the FEAST OF THE LORD" as an replacement  to the PAGAN holidays. CHRISTMAS and EASTER (Easter bunnies, and eggs).

THE LORD is not AGAINST us having JOY and CELEBRATION in our lives. IN FACT, He has placed some VERY WONDERFUL forms of CELEBRATION in HIS WORD, a CELEBRATION of WHO HE IS, JUST FOR US.  

 It has been such a long time since we STOPPED celebrating EASTER, not having small children in our lives.

 YET, it seem to have left somewhat of a void in our lives, especially the children..  

As "WE" move forward and away/ casting off "Pagan" HOLIDAYS,  we are seeking ways to "FILL" that void with " the FEAST of the LORD"  admittedly it is a SLOW process.

 What better way to do this than to FILL that VOID of celebration than with the "FEAST OF THE LORD". 

Perhaps you would consider as I have to celebrate "the FEAST of FIRST FRUITS" with your children in the following years instead of the pagan holiday EASTER?

May the LORD continue to direct our path,and our feet in ways that HONOR HIM.. AMEN

Do we even REALIZE HOW MUCH the ORGANIZED CHURCH has polluted our minds, and doctrines/truths!!!!

WE HAVE TO BEGIN SOMEWHERE RETURNING the LORD: Let us do all we can to HONOR THE LORD, beginning with our CHILDREN!!!  AMEN.

PROVERBS 22: 6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

 IF there is a NEXT year my hope is to find a way to incorporate these SPRING FEAST into the lives of my children and possibly any "grandchildren" that I  may have by then..

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