Thursday, June 20, 2013

A NEW PROSPECTIVE, I am only a Sojourner here, my home is yet to come.

MATT 3: 24 And if a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand.

I would certainly say that the United States is a KINGDOM/NATION that is divided.

Some are expecting a Civil War to break out anytime now. I don’t really think it takes a prophet or a genius to see that coming. In fact, I believe it is PROPHESIED already to happen that way.

The Word of God, itself tells us that a SPIRITUAL WAR is coming, and a "division" of KINGDOMS, and that SATAN will “accomplish” his agenda for a TIME.

It may look like a Civil War to some, but in all honesty it is a “SPIRITUAL” WAR for the division of TWO KINGDOMS.

And just to let you know, we are going to loss for a time, especially if we keep trying to win this battle on MORAL GROUNDS

There is only ONE purpose for this EARTH to continue as it is. And that is IF THE GOSPEL of JESUS CHRIST  is being preached..

You can test this. WATCH and SEE as the MESSAGE OF JESUS CHRIST is being trampled and stomped upon the JUDGMENTS will come faster and faster. THE HEDGE is being removed from the EARTH, and darkness will prevail..


IT was never the INTENTION of the FATHER to allow the EARTH and MAN-KIND to continue as it is.

The Destruction of MAN-KIND as we know it today was planned from the BEGINNING, since ADAM FAIL.

Thus satan is an instrument of the PLANS and the WILL of the LORD.


Have you ever WONDERED WHY SATAN has the AUTHORITY to persecute the saints during the GREAT TRIBULATION?

Have you wondered WHY Satan has been granted a TIME of RULERSHIP?

Have you ever questioned, Why is the LORD going to ALLOW this to happen.

WELL GUESS WHAT, it is “ALLwithin the WILL and the PLAN of the LORD.

I remember an old star trek saying:

“THESE are not the DRUIDS you are looking for

That pretty much sums it up.

THE people/beast/tares on this planet do not belong in the KINGDOM of JESUS CHRIST, they are not INHERITORS of HIS PROMISES or BLESSINGS.

  1. SATAN was granted Authority over the EARTH at the FALL of ADAM
  2. IT is NOT GOD’S intention that man live forever in the state or condition he is in. (GEN 3: 22, 23)  
  1. THE BATTLE YET TO COME:  JESUS CHRIST must first put all things under HIS FEET, before THIS EARTH can be restored back to the FATHER. (1 Cr 15: 28) 
  1. This EARTH “AS IT IS”, is NOT our HOME, we are only sojourners here. And as long as we are here, we will be persecuted as implants in SATAN’S KINGDOM.

  1. The EARTH “AS IT IS” is not the KINGDOM that JESUS CHRIST INTENDS  or even DESIRES to RULE those that reject HIM.  (1 TIM 1: 10/REV 21; 8 , contrary to SOUND DOCTRINE, will have their part in the lake of fire)

  1. MAN has FREE-WILL, once a person has receive the “call” he must ultimately decide which KINGDOM he desires to be apart of. ( Matt 3: 2; Mar 6: 12; Luke 13: 3)

  1. JESUS CHRIST only wants a SELECT GROUP/ the ELECT to be a part of HIS KINGDOM. (JHN 3: 3, ; Matt 24: 31)

HERE IS THE NEW PERSPECTIVE I have gained from my time with the LORD over the last few days. And I would like to offer it to you, for your comfort and for your encouragement to KEEP YOUR EYES and HEART HEAVENLY BOUND.


MATT 4: 9 And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me.

This EARTH is mastered and ruled by satan. He has the “authority and power” to give to his beast/Empire and his beast/prophet to build, tempt, influence and lure people into his KINGDOM. He promises them lies and worldly gains through the lust of their hearts, eyes and desires.

This EARTH is RULED by SATAN.  He has the Authority to build his EMPIRE, through those that will WORSHIP HIM, and bring about the pursuit and death of the saints.

JESUS CHRIST must first CONQUER this EARTH in order to bring everything under HIS FEET to restore everything back to the FATHER.

HE has done that SPIRITUALLY of course, but at HIS SECOND COMING all things will be MANIFESTED here upon the EARTH. He will become LORD of LORD and KING OF KINGS at HIS SECOND COMING.

HE alone shall be EXALTED at HIS RETURN. 
IE: It was never HIS INTENTION that the SAINTS win this EARTH BACK. The EARTH must be RECONCILED and RESTORED to the FATHER.

IT REALLY is not the LORD’S intention to bring this WORLD AS IT IS, to some sort of MORAL RECONDITIONING. or just to IMPROVE the HUMAN CONDITION. 



We are a "SCATTERED PEOPLE" in a KINGDOM that does not belong to us.

A SCATTER PEOPLE, do not have power in this world, because they don’t have a NATION or KINGDOM or ARMIES on this planet. In our Flesh, we are somewhat subject and vexed by the MORAL DECAY and SPIRITUAL decay of this PLANET and its ruler.


WE are not of SATAN’S KINGDOM, because we have been PURCHASED OUT of this KINGDOM, by the BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST.

Satan can not have a STRONGHOLD on our lives without permission from the LORD.

HE IS THE SON OF GOD, and the SON OF MAN/as the son of man HE PURCHASED, through HIS BLOOD, the power over the flesh of those that are HIS.

JESUS CHRIST is OUR BREAD, and the CRUMBS/filling of our hunger and thirst belong to HIS BODY.

HE can perform MIRACLES and HEALINGS  for HIS PEOPLE, and provide a HEDGE of protection over HIS PEOPLE.. HE has the AUTHORITY and POWER over HIS KINGDOM PEOPLE.


We are still subject to the curse of the FLESH, as long as we live on this earth, and our FLESH must return to DUST and is subject to “DECAY’.
ONLY JESUS CHRIST can intervene in matters of TRUE HEALING.

EVEN if we do not DIE, We must be TRANSFORMED in the air in order to MEET the LORD.


REJOICE:  WE are NOT of this WORLD, but are a ‘called out people” being prepared for a KINGDOM TO COME

AND JESUS CHRIST is preparing a people/bride that will be apart of that NEW AND BETTER KINGDOM.

When you begin to put things in the proper prospective:

That the life we live now, truly isn’t OUR HOME, then you begin to find PEACE and REST at letting  go of fighting the battle against the MORAL DECAY of this world.

The WICKED will continue to be WICKED and more so as the DAYS approach.

When you begin to understand that JESUS CHRIST, does not intend to be a KING over people that REFUSE HIM or REJECT HIM, you begin to understand the DIVISION that must occur first.

 IT is LORD JESUS’ intention is to CALL an ELECT GROUP of people “OUT” of “THIS” KINGDOM, where SATAN rules for a time, into HIS KINGDOM for a NEW LIFE, to LIVE with HIM FOREVER and EVER in a RIGHTEOUS KINGDOM.

SATAN’S DESTINY is already set, and he is seeking to take as many as he can with him. ANGELS are subject to be JUDGED by the saints. It is the “FALL” of man that satan is after. He is the first prodigal.

I offer you some scripture to meditate on before the LORD:

ACCORDING TO THE WORD, which I have great reverence for by the way:

1. This EARTH, as it is, has a destiny to fail and to pass away. 2 PETER 3: 10

2.  The CURSE still exist and will not be put in the LAKE of FIRE until AFTER the JUDGEMENT SEAT. REV 22: 3

2. Satan has authority and will accomplish his mission and agenda over the EARTH for a time, and the SAINTS are going to be pursued and persecuted as long as we LIVE in this kingdom. REV 13: 7

3. Satan will RISE for a time as RULER in this KINGDOM/EARTH, until the LORD RETURNS and WINS the BATTLE   REV 14: 7

Some would say that is a PESSIMISTIC attitude.

But I totally disagree. I am looking forward to FINALLY getting away from this CURSE. I am looking forward to not being SUBJECT to satan’s kingdom and his people.

I am looking FORWARD to being under a RIGHTEOUS KING that RULES through RIGHTEOUS and JUST precepts and principles. 

WHY am I sharing this with you??

I would like to encourage you to get on board with WHERE we belong, and it is NOT of this EARTH.

WE need to get an attitude adjustment about the whole thing. We are not going to “CHANGE” this world through MORALS.

WE do not belong here, we are just SOJOURNERS on a planet that we keep seeking to preserve through some MORAL BEHAVIOR.

JESUS CHRIST is not LOOKING for MORAL PEOPLE, HE is looking for an ELECT GROUP of people who are WILLING to submit to being CONFORMED into HIS IMAGE for a NEW LIFE and A NEW HEAVEN and a NEW EARTH.

AMEN and AMEN.  Thank you LORD JESUS for giving me the proper prospective…

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