Monday, January 7, 2013

Precept upon Precept/THE PROPHET of Rev 13


I would like to seek to offer an explanation of my understanding of the Workings of the PROPHET of REVELATION 13:

REV 13: 11  And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.

I believe this VERSE offers so much CONCISE information concerning the PROPHET and his character and agenda:

First I must offer an explanation of WHAT is a BEAST:

A BEAST can be ONE INDIVIDUAL or a CORPORATE BODY of INDIVIDUALS, the commonality of these BEAST is that they are LOST, not REBORN in the IMAGE OF JESUS CHRIST.


1.     “coming up out of the earth”  This “BEAST/PROPHET” is ‘born’ out of the earth. Thus he is born from the ‘dust’ just as most men are. It is my Personal believe that the PROPHET is a man, that has been POSSESSED by the Dragon/SATAN.

2.     “he had two horns like a lamb” The prophet has “TWO HORNS” that look like a lamb, it does not say that he looks like a lamb only that his HORNS look like a lamb. 

DEUT 33: 17 ...and his horns [are like] the horns of unicorns: with them he shall "push" the people together to the ends of the earth.

It is my personal understanding, that this INDIVIDUAL, and he is a NATIONAL leader and has the ability to use his “ RELIGIOUS HORNS” to push and direct people together into the NEW WORLD ORDER.

EXAMPLE:  ONE horn being perhaps.. “MUSLIM” and the other horn “Catholicism”.

 If you could image the MILLIONS of people that could be influenced by just these TWO religions alone you would understand the POWERFUL influence that this prophet would have over Millions of “RELIGIONS” of the earth.

3.     “and he spake as a dragon”, this is one of the MOST powerful statements made in this verse. Compare this prophet to what you think of as a PROPHET of the LORD.

This prophet has an INTIMATE RELATIONS with his creator. He has the ability to speak in his master place with the Authority and Power of his master. He is not  DECEIVED like so many that are only influenced by the demonic in this final EMPIRE. He in all reality of the word, POSSESSED by his creator and I am certainly convinced that he knows full well who he is and the positional standing he has with his master.

REV 13: 12  And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.

It took me a long time to understand the significance of this verse.  This PROPHET now has been bestowed with the POWER and Authority that was "FIRST" given to the FIRST BEAST.

The First beast (empires of clay and iron) 
REV 13: 1, the one that looked like a leopard and had feet of a bear.

The power and authority that these kingdoms had “individually” has now been TRANSFERRED somewhat into the PROPHET’S hands and he is able to control and administered, laws from his NEW KINGDOM Empire, ie the Empire that he has build upon the WOUNDED HEAD/EMPIRE.


The BEST EXPRESSION of this that I can think of is the UNITED NATIONS, G8, G10 with one leader that has the ability to “direct, control and administer the AGENDA”, through great influence, the armies and laws in AGREEMENT with “all” the thriving nations of the earth.

The KINGDOM with the WOUNDED HEAD that now has been HEALED, has now risen and has a great deal of INFLUENCE and CONTROL of the armies and commerce over the World.

REV 13: 13 And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men,

REV 13: 14  And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by [the means of] those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.

IT is often thought that the PROPHET performs a lot of miraculous things. Though I expect that he is given a portion of “magical’ abilities, I am not completely convinced that those things will be as EVIDENT as most people are expecting them to be.   I think it is important to note that VERSE 13 is continued into VERSE 14.

The PROPHET has the power to PERFORM these MIRACLES as long as he is in the “SIGHT OF THE BEAST”. Basically the “prophet’s’ miracles are restricted to him being in the  presents of  the BEAST/ EMPIRE, only when he is in the POSITIONAL CONTROL of the EMPIRE, the powers and authority of  ONE WORLD WIDE GOVERNMENT is he able to TRULY PERFORM in the FULLNESS of his desires and agenda.

Let’s break that down for just a moment using the understanding that I have already shared:

IF the BEAST/EMPIRE that this verse is referring to is the “WOUNDED HEAD that has been HEALED and risen as a POWERFUL KINGDOM upon the EARTH”, and my understanding of the POWER and AUTHORITY of all the ELITE NATIONS of the WORLD being transferred to him is TRUTH.

Then this power has a great deal of INFLUENCE to direct and control the ARMIES and COMMERCE of the WORLD.

PERHAPS what JOHN was seeing in his day, he did not understand that at a FUTURE DATE, we would have WEAPONS of such destruction today to BRING down FIRE from heaven.

REV 13: 15  And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.

(for more DETAILED information concerning this verse,  please see “the woman of rev.17, I do believe the LORD gave some true insight into this verse during a vision of the woman of rev 17)

I Believe this is one of the most confused verses in Rev 13. 

WE must remember that the LORD told us that “an image of rock, stock or gold etc” does not contain LIFE within them.

Jeremiah 10: 5 They [are] upright as the palm tree, but speak not: they must needs be borne, because they cannot go. Be not afraid of them; for they cannot do evil, neither also [is it] in them to do good.

The LIFE that this prophet brings to this “IMAGE” is the character and ideals of the DRAGON. (think of the IMAGE of CHRIST, that is brought to LIFE within us)

Through the PROPHET’S IDEALS and INFLUENCE, he is able to bring “breath and life’ to the NEW WORLD ORDER.  He “deceives” the people into bring this NEW WORLD ORDER into being, To LIFE, through is words of “peace and prosperity” and through is great power of influence over the NATIONS. IT is not the “IMAGE” that is being WORSHIPED, but the IDEALS behind the IMAGE.

Those that “REFUSE or REJECT” to get on board with these “IDEALS’ are persecuted and many are killed by the authority and power he/Prophet holds over the NATIONS and COUNTRIES of the World through armies and military power.

( I must make a note here, it is not that I do not believe there will be an image to the BEAST EMPIRE, but that it would only be a SYMBOL representing the IDEALS of the DRAGON, much like “lady liberty” who has no power within herself, but has the “IDEALS” behind her symbol. Much like the symbol of the CROSS has to the Christian Faith.)

REV 13: 16  And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

The MARK of the BEAST will be the Essential INSTRUMENT that the PROPHET uses to CONTROL the LIVES, thinking, work of the PEOPLE.  

HE will use the POWER of Commerce to buy the “souls’ of men into his kingdom/EMPIRE.

There is actually many reasons that he uses this power of control. 

I will only cover a few.

For the Saints:

At least for me the “AGENDA” of the dragon is very clear.

Unfortunately many are deceived by their OWN LUST, greed and even need.

The PROPHET, according to the AGENDA of the DRAGON/satan will have the ability to “ISOLATE and IDENTIFY” the SAINTS for destruction and to OVERCOME them. 

Many of the saints will REFUSE this MARK to the KINGDOM/EMPIRE, because they will fully have their eyes and hearts opened, REVEALING the “ABOMINATIONS” that this PROPHET Is “OVERSPREADING’ across the “GLOBE”. 

They will REFUSE to participate in the AGENDA and the MARK, because of the “ABOMINATION”

Many will come to their DEATH due to this REJECTION and REFUSAL to take this “MARK to the BEAST/empire, harlot, ideals.
(again if you desire to understand the instrument of the harlot, please see “ the woman of rev. 17”.)

I have found 3 different responses/positions of the SAINTS  during this time of “GLOBAL” marking.

1.    Some will be taken to the Wilderness, to be nourished and cared for by the LORD. Those that WILL receive the CALL.
REV. 12: 14…  into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent.

2.    Some will stay around to do “EXPLOITS” to warn against this END-TIME beast system. These are those that "UNDERSTAND", and will die WILLINGLY for their testimony of JESUS CHRIST, seeking to spare many of the influence of the BEAST.

Dan. 11: 32…  but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do [exploits]. Dan 11: 33  And they that understand among the people shall instruct many: yet they shall fall by the sword, and by flame, by captivity, and by spoil, [many] days

3.    Some will be held “captive and killed by the sword” from their rebellion against the government. When I say rebellion, I mean pulling out their SWORDS and WEAPONS seeking to RISE above the GOVERNMENT.

( I believe there are some in this group did not wake up in time to receive the CALL "to come out of her" (and most likely some that are NOT saints at all, but rebels by nature), SOME SAINTS, and due to their unwilling hearts to RECEIVE the CALL, through their WAYLAYING of hearing and rebellion against the Government, they are killed by the sword or held captive by the government.

Rev 13: 10 He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.

I BELIEVE that it is a VERY IMPORTANT thing to understand that the EMPIRE the PROPHET IS BUILDING is "ESTABLISHED" before the MOUTH IS GIVEN for 3 1/2 years.

REV 13: 4  And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who [is] like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?

YOU might ask the question..

"WHAT BEAST are they WORSHIPING that they can not STAND against or able to make war with?

The BEAST is the WOUNDED HEAD that has been  REVIVED and build into an EMPIRE by the PROPHET.

REV 13: 3 And I saw one of his heads as it were "wounded" to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.

And last but not LEAST, the MARK of the BEAST only has to be "ESTABLISHED" for these things to be set in motion for the END-TIME BEAST.


I hope that this has brought some LIGHT to the eyes of those that have not be able to see.

 I have come to understand with GREAT COMPASSION over the years, just how difficult this is to "RECEIVE", especially among the me, because it is VERY DIFFICULT for us to accept that we are GOING to be “CALLED OUT of a SYSTEM” that we have USED and BENEFITED from all of our lives. Men have a BUILD in DESIGN by GOD to care for and protect their families. 

IT is completely against their NATURE for them to RECEIVE this..
" take RISK with the LIVES of your families like this and walk completely by faith"

 It is no easy task to HAVE THE FAITH to move forward with TOTAL dependence upon JESUS CHRIST, I don’t care who you are.  

MOST OF US in the USA have never had OUR faith has pushed or exercised to this level.

IT is important to understand that we are ONLY DECEIVED and held CAPTIVE, because we “DESIRE to BELIEVE the many false doctrines that are out there.

OUR FLESH is what deceives us the most in life. IF it is not comfortable to the FLESH we do not want to receive it.

The SPIRIT OF TRUTH, brings LIFE to what is “SPIRITUAL and HEAVENLY”, not natural to the “FLESH”.  Thus we often have to “TRAVAIL” through the flesh of Jacob, at a cost to our flesh, to get to what is SPIRITUAL.


What we must hold onto is that the LORD LOVES those that LOVE HIM FIRST.

HE understands our NEEDS, and for those that LOVE HIM with the FULLNESS of their heart, mind and soul, HE will be FAITHFUL to, even until DEATH of the FLESH.   

WE are “ONE BODY” not just individuals, and the LORD has ETERNAL INTEREST most and foremost in HIS MIND for HIS PEOPLE.  The ‘death” of one saint maybe the salvation of the ETERNAL SOUL of another.

A few verses of ASSURANCE:

LUKE 11: 11 If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if [he ask] a fish, will he for a fish give him a serpent?

EP 5: 30 For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones.

JESUS CHRIST Is my LORD and KING, and HE will REIGN forever and forever. And it doesn’t matter whether I “DIE” on this earth, I will live FOREVER and FOREVER before HIM in a NEW KINGDOM of HIS righteousness rule and reign where there will NEVER be any health issues in my life,  where there will be NO MORE CURSE upon the earth or the flesh. AMEN and AMEN.

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