Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Have your eyes been opened to the AGENDA yet?

Where I believe we are headed........  We are destine for some very troubled times according to Scripture, unless true repentance comes. Perhaps even "the GREAT TRIBULATION" ..JESUS SAID IT WOULD HAPPEN, and I believe it WILL BE SO.  And it just might happen in OUR LIFETIME..      Here is an END TIME scenario in modern terms. America is being deliberately targeted because Capitalism must die and WICKED GOVERNMENT must RULE. How can they do this?...This country is going to have to adopt some sort of 'work for welfare program" because eventually there will be so many people out of work that there will not be enough people to support the economy in " LABOR .or TAXES"..IE: .PEOPLE that work in fields like; road crews,, government jobs, power companies,  health care, distribution of foods.. etc, will have to be replaced by  what I call "slavers" those that are “Forced” into the IDEAS of Socialism/communism (Echo comes from the word 'REIGNETH/Echo" REV 17: 18.  The GOVERNMENT is progressively seeking to CONTROL these things even now. America does "REIGH" over the kings of the earth... HERE IS HOW I SEE IT WORKING:  Some form of an assignment will be given each week, according to ability, once the assignment is accomplished monies of some sort will be deposited into the accounts of the people for use .. Much like they did during the depression with the "scrip", but this time, with the advancements in technology, you might consider it "THE MARKING SYSTEM" in every sense of the word.  You comply or you die, they will have every means to control your mind and your life available to them...... simple as that... The agenda is to break down AMERICA so that she is “FORCED” to be supported by a RULING GOVERNMENT.... by forcing the people into the system...NWO.  God will not be mocked, man will reap what he has sown...

READ:  " The woman of Revelations 17"

Are we ready to be held accountable for our decisions? Are we ready to face our shame before the LORD? Are we ready to Deny ourselves of the luxuries and pleasures of life? or are we prepared to sell our souls for a morsel of meat?

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