Monday, October 29, 2012

APOLLYON and ABADDON, what is this angel king doing?

First I would like to state my understanding concerning Angels. I feel this understanding is well founded in scripture.

1. Angels can “FALL’ meaning they have Free Will. And they can choose their allegiance to satan or to GOD.

2. I believe that when someone, be it ANGEL or MAN FALLS they are considered.. a“ SON of PERDITION” “APOSTATE” much like JUDAS.

3. I believe Angels can hold positions such as “principalities” "princes" over empires and nations. Both good and bad.

4. I believe he is free to roam the earth and to be the "principality" over the end-time beast and empowering the EMPIRE, before the locust are released from the pit.


EP 6: 12  For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high [places]

Dan 10: 21  But I will shew thee that which is noted in the scripture of truth: and [there is] none that holdeth with me in these things, but Michael your prince.

Dan 11: 1 Also I in the first year of Darius the Mede, [even] I, stood to confirm and to strengthen him.

 I am seeking to EDIT this post, however I have determined that unless I receive more understanding on the subject then I would be best if I just delete it. Thank you RILEY for bringing this to my attention.

There are few things I felt that I understood about  APOLLYON and ABADDON that I am going to share.

1. HE is a KING and an ANGEL, over the locust and the BEAST of REVELATIONS 13
2. He has no preference in whom he torments or kills, he leads the LOCUST to torment those that have NOT the seal of GOD. AND yet as the PRINCIPALITY over the BEAST/EMPIRE of REV 13, wounded head and he has the authority and power to kill the TWO WITNESS.
** Surely he could not have been able to do that unless it was within the WILL OF GOD.
3. AND I am pretty certain that he is NOT SATAN himself.

ULTIMATELY I can make very little sense out of this character and SHOULD not leave the post open for it only CONFUSES the READERS

I apologize and Thank you donna

JUST to offer additional information, I happen to find this from my search of google:

Quote: Many people know about this reference in Revelation, but they have no idea that Abaddon is ALSO found in the Jewish Bible, what we Christians call the Old Testament. The Hebrew word אבדון (pronounced "abaddown") is found in the following passages, where it's usually translated as "destruction":

Job 26:6
Job 28:22 (where Abaddon is quoted as having spoken)
Job 31:12
Psalm 88:11
Proverbs 15:11
Proverbs 27:20

Some people assume Abaddon is Satan, but there is no confirmation of this from the Scriptures. These folks usually point to Revelation 9:1, which states that a "star" (an angel) "fell" from Heaven to the earth with the key to Hell' since the angel "fell" from Heaven, they interpret this to mean it's a "fallen angel," i.e. Satan. HOWEVER, Rev. 1:18 makes it perfectly clear that this angel is NOT Satan, because JESUS is the One who holds "the keys of Hades and of Death." Therefore, the "star" is either Jesus Himself, or more likely an angel sent at His direction --- again, this is NOT Satan who opens the door to Hell. Revelation 9:11 then tells us that Abaddon is the chief commander of a Satanic army. 

And that's all we know about Abaddon.

__________________________________________________________________________________________________ of Jan 24, 2014 

I recently heard this message by TOM HORN, Jan. 24, 2014..

Perhaps Mr Horn is on to something????

And again,  I believe that Abaddon/Apollyon is ALREADY at work among us, before the pit is ever opened.

" I believe he is free to roam the earth and to be the "principality" over the end-time beast and empowering the EMPIRE, before the locust are released from the pit."

Today’s Guest : Tom Horn
Topic : Author Tom Horn is back with his latest book, “Zenith 2016.”  The subtitle , “Did Something Begin in the Year 2012 that will Reach its Apex in 2016?” sets the stage for Tom’s investigative work which links prophecies from ancient civilizations with the Freemasons’ goal for an American New Atlantis, and explores the possibility of a coming trans-human Antichrist.



  1. Riley Miller has no clue what, you still seem to be speaking of, and has no obvious answer, to whatever anything that you have ever said, is true. How, does anyone, write anything, to be of this degree or level, of inspiration?? I, am not Apollyon the angel, because I cannot ever even think his real thoughts, or any way know of his right thinking, like no one can do, about an angel anyways, in this state of mind! Thanks you, though for your opinions. Riley Parker Miller.

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    2. Wecrymercy-Landon: Apollyon And Abaddon, What Is This Angel King Doing? >>>>> Download Now

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  2. I truly apologize Riley, though I have thought about this post many times, I just can't find a way to EDIT this post to provide a better understanding of it. OVERALL, isolate by itself, I can see how it would have no meaning to anyone, but if you were to study the OVERALL purpose of my being lead to write on this board, then perhaps you would understand that this post is connected to many of the others I have shared.

    I encourage you to get in your BIBLE on your own and allow the LORD to give you understanding. I would also encourage you to read "THE WOMAN OF REVELATION 17" for a more OVERALL understanding of why this post exist.

    Blessings towards you donna

    1. Hi I like the blog here you wrote about me,contact me and I'll pull back the remaining wool from your eager and faithful eyes.
      Rev 22vs16

  3. hey to t5ell you guys the truth id like to speak to whoever wrote the first part im not the type to get cofused about things that I know first of all abaddon does have the power to feel alone when surrounded by doctrins of man refusing to see they lift lucifer up to power evrytime a humble man is lifted higher then then a mighty man super stars like orion should put to rest conscience and destroy the flesh by fire and hide eden in gen somewhere before Egypt puts those of cannan and all lands to slaverery and land on only freshly knit ideas of lamech in need of comfort finding no luck in the 777 and the curse of the lord that marked and numbered him for the works and toils of his hands and tree in the midts where the unbegotten sons of God were mighty in strength and lived long lives nesting in trees so high you would rarely even hear of an axe that would destroy 1 even 2 bearers of false witnessing when there hold brought forth repentance to those poor of spirit unto the holy spirit as time repeated itself was because there would be no flesh left as the man planned destruction most say its the sixth day and worry for Armageddon I say woe to your self righteous doctrines that have blinded and kept from seeing that we are nearing the end of the seventh where your souls are on the line two resurections denied GOD denied Jesus the holy spirit why not deny your heart where the word of truth knows nuclear war of this scale will mean no earth for life and ask yourself jesus was there when God created the earth at the foundation of the heavens in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth of these that were created the earth provided everything from healing to food as well as shelter where Gods kindom is found why did God repent making man while man asks nothing about why the lord God created the most cunning serpent among the beasts of the earth jesus said the only way to the father is through me I say why didn't this man ever just tell us of Adams Angelic family of begotten sons where lamech is he who first took for himself wives a mighty hunter who sought comfort in his begotten son noah if first shall be last then 777 comes after or before 666 and what I wrote hear this I only care to hear what you have to say in opinion not your doctrines but from what you've said you should know that I would love to talk about what confuses people and how doctrines of jesuses love is why a multitude of sins are covered up with guilt being accepted by those who love the holy spirits ability to comfort misunderstood ability to uncover a multitude of sins

  4. That was so deep you lost yourself didn't you,you should contact me asap...

  5. Wecrymercy-Landon: Apollyon And Abaddon, What Is This Angel King Doing? >>>>> Download Now

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