Monday, July 30, 2012

Vision of the 3 Mountains: 2008

I do hope that you will got back ONE POST and HEAR the message from MR. HADDOCK before reading this VISION.
I do not claim to be a prophetess.

However, occassionally the LORD will bless me with a vision.
Prior to 2006 most of my dreams and visions were more for my own personal growth and repentance.

In 2006, I begain having dreams concerning the USA.

I actually do not have visions and dreams as ferquently as some seem do, but there is NO DOUBT in my heart or mind WHEN they are from the LORD.

I have learned over the YEARS, that TIME is no issue with the LORD, and WHEN it is from HIM, you simply have to WAIT for the interruptation and understanding.

You can not FORCE the LORD.

This is ONE of those VISION that I KNOW from my heart of hearts that is from the LORD.

When this FIRST MOUNTAIN exploded, I have NEVER felt such REVERANCE or FEAR for the LORD in my life, I FELL to my KNEES  in AWE and in HONOR of HIS GREAT POWER and GLORY.

HERE is the VISION word for word as I wrote it in my jouneral in 2008. You will also noticed I had a SECOND VISION concerning these mountains in JULY of 2008, which actually was only a few months after the FIRST VISION, of that year.

Dream from January 2008,  

I was at a station and I looked to the west .. a mountain blew in the upper west the sun became dark and I fell to my knees and said "this is GOD's work" {I knew God was about to share with me.) I looked up again and saw 2 more mountains explode to the west, Lower west that exploded at the same time. (together) I asked the LORD To explain. (nothing came to me at the time)

Then suddenly rocks/boulders started rolling across the US from west to east. Bouncing tumbling crushing things in there path.

Just as one got to me (within touching range) IN the dream I was not afraid of dieing. (that strikes me as odd, I would normally be scared to death, I did say something in the dream, but that was more of a personal matter.and is immportant in this message).

EDIT: this is a place I should edit, apparently I didn't finish my statement.

"JUST as one got to me within touching range, I knew I was about to DIE.."
End of Dream:

In 2008, there were FEW things that I  DID understand IMMEDIATELY about the dream.

1. The MOUNTAINS, may or may not have been ACTUTAL mountains, but what they DID represent KINGDOMS, powerful kingdoms upon the earth.

Jeremiah 51:25 Behold, I [am] against thee, O destroying mountain, saith the LORD, which destroyest all the earth: and I will stretch out mine hand upon thee, and roll thee down from the rocks, and will make thee a burnt mountain.

2. That JUDGMENT was beginning right here in the USA. ( the sun went dark)

3. The JUDGMENT would move forward until a SECOND MOUNTAIN/ KINGDOM was effected and THEN there would DEVASTATION and DESTRUCTION upon the USA from WEST to EAST.

4.  The BOULDERS seem to represent.. NATURAL DESTRUCTION and Devastation upon the USA, not war.

I was never able to IDENTIFY the 2nd mountain in the dream.

Yesterday when I hear Mr HADDOCKS message on TRUE news it brought to rememberance this vision.. The scripture moved me profoundly as a conformation to the understanding of the dream.
Ironically, only 2 days before I heard his message, I was already feeling prompted by the HOLY SPIRIT to POST the vision on the blog, but I had not been home in able to post at that time.


2nd DREAM concerning these mountains in JULY 2008.

VISION on July 15, 2008

During my nap on Wednesday the LORD awoke me in spirit.
He took me to a mountain (the first mountain in the previous dream) it was crumbling, collapsing, breaking apart on the very top, the pieces were falling inside the mountain, and a few rocks were rolling down the side of the mountain.

End of dream.

This was the interpution I gave at the time:
(I shared this interputation at several forums)

Though this dream was very short. I know it involved the first part of the previous dream.
There are 3 mountains in that dream. I don't know if they are actual mountains, but God does often use natural disasters as judgment. I do feel in my heart/spirit the mountains represent governments. The first being the USA. Some decision made by our government is going to bring judgment on our Country. The sun darkening after the explosion of the first mountain is speaking of judgment.


As I said before I do beleive these TWO VISIONS were from the LORD.  I did not know at the time of the FIRST VISION, that there would be a continuation of that VISION to come.

The FIRST VISION was an OVERVIEW of the EVENTS that were going to UNFOLD right here in the USA.

The  SECOND VISION revealed that the EVENTS would be fulfilled in the TIME and ORDER in which the LORD would determine.

As you can see from the 2nd VISION, the mountain/KINGDOM was  crumbling and collapsing. 

This USA/KINGDOM was receiving a devastating blow to its Power and Authority.


I had promised that I would share MORE concerning this vision as the LORD opened up understanding.  Well I do beleive the LORD has opened up more understanding to this VISION.

1.  The LORD has given this NATION time to REPENT, she has REFUSED to REPENT and BE RESTORED through HIS JUDGMENT. HIS JUDGMENT has been through HIS LONGSUFFERING and PATIENTS.

2.  I BELIEVE that the VISION concerns DAMASCUS and THE USA.

ISAIAH 17: 1 The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from [being] a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap.

IF in our VERY NEAR FUTURE you see the CITY of DAMASCUS being TURNED INTO a RUINOUS HEAP, KNOW that the TIME IS VERY NEAR for EPHARIAM to fall as well. CREATING a chain of events that we will endure

ISASIAH 17:  2  Is 17: 2 The fortress also shall cease from Ephraim, and the kingdom from Damascus, and the remnant of Syria: they shall be as the glory of the children of Israel, saith the LORD of hosts.

3. Thus we are very near the END-TIME event where we will find FAMINE, and a shortage of food.

May the LORD BLESS you will WISDOM, and understanding.
I pray that you will HAVE a GREAT DESIRE to DRAW NEAR to HIM for HIS guidance and direction during the up coming months.

Please do not delay WARNING and preparing your CHILDREN, preparig them for what they should expect. THEY must chose WHO they are going to SERVE..

blessings donna

P.s.  I have done my best to inform the Body of the warnings that the LORD has given me.

I pray that you would understand, this is through great "distress" that I share these messages for your safety and my love for you, that ONLY THE LORD could give to me for HIS BODY as we share in HIS BLOOD as brothers and sisters in CHRIST...

PLEASE PRAY for OUR CHILREN, that the LORD would give them EARS to HEAR and HEARTS to make a firm descision concerning their LIFE and dedication to serve the LORD..
thank you... It will be the MOST DIFFICULT descission in your life to walk away from your children for the KINGDOM.

I wanted to add this SONG for our encouragment


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