Monday, January 21, 2013

REALLY are you sure that is where the LORD is leading you?

REALLY are you sure that is where the LORD is leading you?

Perhaps this title has caught your interest?  I hope so.

Over the weekend I had a very relaxing time with the LORD. I had a lot of hours to consider a great deal of the things going on here in America, but particularly:

Dan 9:12 And he(GOD) hath confirmed his words (from Deut 31-32), which he spake against us, and against our judges that judged us, by bringing upon us a great evil: for under the whole heaven hath not been done as hath been done upon Jerusalem.

Dan 9:13 As [it is] written in the law of Moses, all this evil is come upon us: yet made we not our prayer before the LORD our God, that we might turn from our iniquities, and understand thy truth.

SIMPLY PUT there is no Government solution to a SPIRITUAL PROBLEM.

  1. The Patriots seeking backing for rising up against the government to impeach Obama.  Good luck with that, I only wish that were possible, but I do not see any success in that adventure unless there was some true repentance among us to TURN BACK to GOD, and not not making about POLICY, prosperity, idol worship, or even FREEDOM.    FREEDOM is not TRUE FREEDOM, unless it is under GOD. Freedom only gives you the RIGHT to do things, according to YOUR OWN WICKED DESIRES, without any STANDARD, or CONVICTION towards GOD'S LAWS or COMMAND freedom is actually dangerous..

  1. The RILING up the hearts over the gun control. YES,  I agree they are taking our FREEDOM away. But  WE really don't get it, We had LIBERTY and FREEDOM, because we were UNDER CHRIST, without the HEDGE of CHRIST what we now have are dictators and a regime. If there there will be any real  LIBERTY and FREEDOM returned to us, then STAND FOR CHRIST, because that is the ONLY way you will succeed at LIBERTY and FREEDOM. TRUE REPENTANCE with a desire to LIVE HUMBLY under GOD'S LAW and COMMANDS. To fight for your liberties without STANDING for GOD'S PRECEPTS and LAWS is a waste of time, in my opinion.

  1. Those that would tell you that MOVING to a different state, to create a new and better government,  Believing that would be the answer to their problems.  Good luck with that one, without REPENTANCE and a HUMBLING before the LORD, you will find yourself encountering NEW and even MORE difficult problems that you will not be able to control or deal with.
***It is pretty much the same concept.  If you are sick due to "chastisement"  and don't seek GOD then whatever the physicians are able to FIX, will only RETURN TO YOU 7 TIMES WORSE..

PERSONALLY I “QUESTION” any of the SOLUTIONS that people are offering:

ARE THOSE REALLY THE ANSWER we should be seeking? 

I hope someone will write me and share with me how they think any of these would be a solution. There is ONLY ONE ANSWER in my mind for things to change.


I am going to offer you some thought provoking things to consider for yourself.

YOU NEED to SEE this from a SPIRITUAL PROSPECTIVE, the MIND OF CHRIST. That we not seek to move forward with just a patriotic heart, thinking you are going to CREATE a better life for ourselves.


  1. Obama was PUT in position by the LORD, to bring about JUDGMENT upon America. The LORD APPOINTED OBAMA to his POSITION, just like NEBUCHADNEZZAR  and KING SAUL. HE is a vessel of his use, because it was what the HEART of the PEOPLE desired. They CHOSE HIM, and HE LET THEM HAVE HIM. They SOLD the LORD OUT for the BENEFITS, now they will answer for their choose. You can't REBEL against that, but come into AGREEMENT with the LORD.

The ONLY HOPE you have now is through your INTIMATE RELATIONSHIP with the LORD JESUS CHRIST.  The REAL QUESTION is WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO WITH this information?

KEEP IN MIND, ALL things work out for the GOOD to those that LOVE GOD.

Whatever comes out of this WILL ultimately be PLEASING the LORD, though the TRIALS and TRIBULATIONS may be difficult,  good will ultimately come to those that SEEK HIM from a devoted and faithful HEART. 

HE will purify and cleanses the HEART, minds and the work of many of the saints, and MANY will turn to HIM in these days because of their suffering.

IN REALITY:  THOSE that seek to REBEL against this are not rebelling against the GOVERNMENT, are now rebelling against the WILL of the LORD.

If you are not convinced of number ONE, then the rest will probably not have any real meaning to you.

To REBEL "with Force" and I STRESS with FORCIBLE ACTION "  against the LORD’S WILL,  will only succeed in  you finding yourself “held captive” or “killed by the sword”. Think about those that REBELLED in ISRAEL when the Babylonians were coming.. Some sought to FLEE to EGYPT, some stood and fought. MANY died through famine, war, and the sword.

 The LORD is going to deliver us, and CALL us out,  but it will be according to HIS WILL and HIS WAY. EVERYONE must seek HIM FIRST to know the PATH that the LORD would have you take.

  1. GUN CONTROL. Really?? IS that where your heart is:


Actually I do believe every person should have the right to have a gun. 


You truly don't get it, YOUR LIBERTIES and FREEDOMS are being DESTROYED because you are not "ONE NATION UNDER GOD".

It isn't about OUR FREEDOM it is about OUR SPIRITUAL CONDITION!!! 

Getting FREEDOM in a wicked world means only the FREEDOMS of the WICKED are set free.

I have to be HONEST here. It has amazed me how many are seeking to stand up for their rights and freedoms on GUN CONTROL, when so “FEW” STOOD up against the ABOMINATIONS that were being CONFESSED before us. When OBAMA shared his policy’s concerning GOD, gay rights and abortions. OUR opportunities were before He was elected not after.

What a TRUE EYE OPENER this has been for me. It completely expressed and WITNESSED to the  TRUE CONDITION of the HEART Of the BODY OF CHRIST.  

No wonder we are in such a mess, sick, and in for great HARDSHIP, we would rather have our GUNS and FREEDOMS, than be under the PROTECTIVE HEDGE of the LORD, where we could have our LIBERTY and FREEDOM..

JUST a side note: My PERSONAL CONVICTIONS concerning guns,  is limited to this:

I personally do not have a problem with people having guns, I own one myself, for HUNTING and PROTECTION of the LIFE of my FAMILY.

For me the word is clear:

DEUT 5: 17 Thou shalt not kill.

1) to murder, slay, kill
a) (Qal) to murder, slay
1) premeditated
2) accidental
3) as avenger
4) slayer (intentional) (participle)
b) (Niphal) to be slain
c) (Piel)
1) to murder, assassinate
2) murderer, assassin (participle)(subst)
d) (Pual) to be killed

 Meaning taking the LIFE of the innocent, revenge killing, to kill without cause or justice.  
Premeditated from anger, bitterness that is carried around in the heart of the individual.

Sometimes that actually may mean the GIVING of your life from a SPECIFIC CALL of the LORD, for the greater good or for the TESTIMONY OF CHRIST. I absolutely respect those that have made that specific decision in their life.

LAST,  NUMBER 3. MOVING from  one STATE to the OTHER seeking to set up a NEW GOVERNMENT "WITHOUT" the GUIDANCE and DIRECTION of the LORD;

JEREMIAH 2: 11 Hath a nation changed [their] gods, which [are] yet no gods? but my people have changed their glory for [that which] doth not profit. 

JEREMIAH 2: 12  Be astonished, O ye heavens, at this, and be horribly afraid, be ye very desolate, saith the LORD.

JEREMIAH 2: 13 For my people have committed two evils; they have forsaken me the fountain of living waters, [and] hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water. 

WITHOUT the LORD’S guidance and direction, You can not ESCAPE the LORD’S WILL of chastisement or judgment. BY simply CREATING a NEW NATION, ie: cisterns that hold no water.

MANY are considering the gathering in ONE STATE, seeking to create a new improved government. .

WITHOUT true repentance among the BODY of CHRIST, you will only encounter NEW and more difficult PROBLEMS. "You will not PROFIT"saith the LORD.

Our problems will not be resolved by our own solutions.

    To MOVE toONE STATE will only succeed at making you a target, and isolate you for the greater plan and agenda of the enemy. 


BASICALLY, IF you can not STAND for the TESTIMONY of CHRIST, then the your battle is already lost. 


1. IS to SEEK to DRAW NEARER to the LORD.

2. PRAY from a surrender, submitted heart.

3. Seek to hear for direction, guidance.

4. SPEND time seeking HIS deliverance and HEALING (more on that in another post)

5. SEEK to become independent from the Government. GET OUT Of DEBT as much as is possible.

6. LIVE as peaceably and as quietly among them as much as you can without compromising your TESTIMONY of or to JESUS CHRIST.

 (it is possible that remaining quiet and living peaceably among them may only apply to the woman of the BODY, but it how the LORD has lead me, so I pass it on to you)

6. Store as the LORD calls you to store, but remember it isn't about ONE INDIVIDUAL, it is about the common good of the BODY, what you store you must have the attitude that you may be ultimately be called to share with another group of saints.

7 AND most of all: WAIT upon the LORD before you make any moves from your own logic of survival and safety.

THE LORD will call you out to a place of HIS CHOOSING. A place where HE has “PREPARED” and a place where HE WILL NOURISH and CARE for you. Don’t depend upon yourself for your own DELIVERANCE.

REV 12: 6 And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred [and] threescore days.

REV 12: 14 And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent.

I am going to share this message from a dear friend, and hope the LORD finds a way to touch your heart through it. 

Also I would like to remind you of a few examples we have from the bible:

a. The PROPHETS, knew that the BABYLONIAN’S were coming yet they did not seek to RILE the people up against them.

b. David KNEW KING SAUL was appointed by the LORD and did not seek to KILL or destroy him, even though his own life was at risk.

c. Elijah, was able to bring FIRE down on the heads of 100 men, and the PROPHETS of BAAL, yet he did not seek to bring “FIRE” down on KING AHAB. 1 KINGS 18: 25, and 2 KINGS 1: 10

d. Did Moses seek to overthrow Egypt or did HE BRING the PEOPLE "OUT OF EGYPT "  

I BELIEVE with my whole heart that will be our answer. TO WAIT on the LORD'S CALL.. "TO COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE" It will not be a REBELLION against the LORD'S WILL by overtaking the GOVERNMENT.  

WAIT ON THE "CALL", then move forward in faith towards obedience. 

There is NO great prosperity or assurance than being IN THE WILL OF THE LORD.
WE must move according to the SPIRIT of the LORD for guidance or protection. FOR EVEN if you "DIE" for the gain of another, you can die in the STRENGTH and PRESENCE of the LORD just like STEPHEN.

ACTS 7: 55 But he, being full of the Holy Ghost, looked up stedfastly into heaven, and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing on the right hand of God,

ACTS 7: 56 And said, Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God.

ACTS 7: 59  And they stoned Stephen, calling upon [God], and saying, Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.

YOUR HOPE IS IN THE LORD, as an INDIVIDUAL fully devoted to HIM.

DRAW NEAR to HIM for guidance and direction.

WILL you find the REASON you were BORN???

IF you do it for LOVE of HIM, you will not be doing it in VAIN!!!!

BLESSINGS towards you and yours, donna

PLEASES READ this posted by a precious SAINT.


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