REV 17: 18 And the woman
which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the
REV 18: 24 And in her was found the blood of prophets,
and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth.
A Second Look at The Federal Reserve
by G. Edward Griffin
I am absolutely looking forward to reading this book. I am pretty certain this man is on to "the WOMAN Of REVELATION 17 "HARLOT" without even realizing it.
I do NOT know MR GRIFFIN and I do not KNOW HIS standing with the LORD. But I do believe he has gained wisdom from the LORD, and through " investigations" he may IN FACT have stumbled upon the HARLOT OF REVELATIONS.
A couple of comments that he made on Tru-news.
quote: "They control the money, without actually having their hands on the money"
quote: "It is all about taking the money from the Middle-class and putting it in the hands of the VERY RICH".
Many are confused in thinking the redistribution is about giving to the POOR, when it is actually about "CONTROLLING" the money, and controlling the LAWS that they desire to enforce.
Do you get it YET???
The government does not MAKE money, it controls the LIVES and HABITS of the individual through ECONOMICS.
THE BANKERS: are independent of any oversight
The POLICE POWER of the government is to regulate our 'economic lives".
The agenda of their father the devil through the 'buying and selling".
Recent Broadcasts:
Monday December 31, 2012
Guests: Scott Lively & G Edward Griffin
Topics: Homosexuality in the Nazi party & The creation of the Federal Reserve
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