Friday, November 30, 2012

Tru-News- Jim Haddock and Bob Auxier

I would to encourage you to listen to this program..

Tru-News- Jim Haddock and Bob Auxier

Occasionally I listen to Tru-news, and I thought this program had some very interesting information in it.  

What has been seen in  the SPIRIT will be MANIFESTED in the PHYSICAL--The coming New World Order.

Election time… amen Bob Auxier, totally agree..

Bod Auxier quote: "the days are coming when you can not serve the government and the LORD"

AMEN      BOB AUXIER,  and the LORD is already PREPARING the WAY and HEART for HIS BODY to "COME OUT OF HER"

Thank you LORD for the wisdom and insight you have put within these men.

Wednesday November 28 , 2012
Guests: Pastor Bob Auxier and Bible prophecy historian Jim Haddock

Topic: Last exit to get off road to Babylon

QUOTE:  Bob Auxier: " There is no regard in the land for God anymore."

I would like to offer some helps in understanding.

The end-time beast is not JUST one person, though ONE will eventually lead, MANY MANY are in the BODY of that GLOBAL beast that are going to take UPON themselves the "CHARACTER" of the father the devil, filled with demons, HATING the TRUTH, pursuing and persecuting the saints.

Dan 8: 10  And it waxed great, [even] to the host of heaven; and it cast down [some] of the host and of the stars to the ground, and stamped upon them.

Dan 8: 11  Yea, he magnified [himself] even to the prince of the host, and by him the daily [sacrifice] was taken away, and the place of his sanctuary was cast down.

I would like to encourage you to PRAY and seek understanding concerning this "WORD" as it applies to OUR TIMES.. 

Dan 8: 12  And an host was given [him] against the daily [sacrifice] by reason of transgression, and it cast down the truth to the ground; and it practised, and prospered.

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