Saturday, November 3, 2012

MY HEALER, PART 3 bulging disc/herniated, and the MINISTRY OF THE HOLY SPIRIT

IF I be perfected , let it be through the CROSS, to the RESURRECTED LIFE of JESUS CHRIST!!! 

IN truth, there is no NEW LIFE/REBIRTH, without DEATH first, we must DIE through the CROSS to be able to be RISEN to the RESURRECTED LIFE in HIM.

Suffering Is often the pathway to true blessing….

Through my flesh has a desire to sin, I am  saved by GRACE,  I do not have to REMAIN in my present condition, because HE IS HOLY and HE HAS the POWER and AUTHORITY to conform an transform and conform my LIFE into HIS IMAGE and HIS RIGHTEOUS PATH!!!

I REALLY believe that it is the “ULTIMATE DESIRE” of the LORD’S heart to bless HIS BODY, spiritually and physically.

Godliness is profitable for that which is to come, and  NOW IS, meaning today. Living in the principals and precepts of God, allows the LORD to bring blessings upon our lives.

1 TIM 4: 8 For bodily exercise profiteth little: but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come

 I believe it is true that we often ‘suffer and are afflicted” because of Unbelief or SIN.

I don't believe we are PUNISHED, just because we SIN,  but there is a HIGHER PURPOSE for chastisement. The LORD is seek, transformation and conformity and purity. 

 Often we suffer LONGER than we have to, because we are not WILLING to SURRENDER to the change.

 Something within our “character needs to change, be transformed into the “IMAGE OF CHRIST” or “MIND OF CHRIST” but  instead  of seeking out the LORD for answers to these things, we often seek out ways to “produce fruits” of the flesh, as a COVERING for these deep inner problems (ie Sunday teacher, youth leader etc) not seeking out the ROOTS of our sin (unforgiveness, bitterness, anger etc.)

To be honest I think that is why many have “STRONGHOLDS” in our lives.

HOWEVER, I also know without a doubt that the LORD is MERCIFUL and GRACIOUS, and sometimes will HEAL out of HIS PURE UNSELFISH LOVE towards HIS BODY, for HIS GLORY and FOR HIS NAME ALONE.

NO REPENTANCE REQUIRED!!!!  THIS was one of those experiences..


I  SERIOUS INJURIED my back many years ago, PLAYING VOLLEYBALL, having 2 bulging disc and 1 herniated disc.

I won’t bore you with the detail of that injury. 

But maybe you don’t know this, but a WELL spiked or served VOLLEYBALL can come at you at a top speed of 121 mph..  VOLLEYBALL looks safe enough, but when you start playing on a competitive level you soon learn that it also can be VERY DANGEROUS. Getting in the way of a well spiked VB is like falling out of the sky into water, a brick wall.

After many hours of prayer,  a lot of time and money with the physicians, through surgery and therapy, I finally realize, and resolved in my heart, that this was something I truly was going to have to live with for the rest of my life

 I was somehow going to have to allow pain be my ever present friend.

Though my body was in constant in pain, My attitude through all this was pretty healthy.

I didn’t seek to blame anyone else, or USE my disabilities to my advantage. I didn’t feel sorry for myself, I accepted my position and condition and sought out NEW WAYS to make myself useful.

ROMANS 8: 23  And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to [his] purpose.

What a wonderful scripture that is!!!!

EVEN in our weakness, disabilities, handicaps, HE IS JUST,  HE offers us PURPOSE for LIFE and PURPOSE in MINISTRY, working it all according to HIS PURPOSE.

I believe in some ways the LORD honored my attitude, but even more than that, HE used my disability to put in my heart to “MINISTER” to others as a prayer warrior.  I was “CONTENT” with where I was in life now, and lived a daily life through HIS STRENGTH, though at times the pain was very severe.

Just a side note: for those that think INTERCESSORY PRAYER is not a ministry gift and understand that is very TAXING upon the flesh and spirit, you simply have not entered into the ministry gift... "ALL GIFTS of the SPIRIT, require surrender, and sacrificial love".

Content doesn't mean you are over joyous about your situation, only that you are accepting of your position in life.


Through the PRAYER for another JESUS HEALED ME

One DAY during a prayer service, with a group of ladies, I was MOVED tremendously by the HOLY SPIRIT to share with the LADIES a vision that I had had.

 A VISION about a young man named, MARK. 

Though I was fairly new to this church, it was pressed upon my heart that I needed to include these women in the PRAYER FOR MARK.  I felt a STRONG BURDEN and pressing need to share the needs of MARK with these praying women.

I didn’t know MARK, had never even met him, and yet I felt in someways I knew him well. 

I had seen him in a VISION a few days before:


AS I was sharing the details of this vision:

In a vision, I had seen this young man Mark with the pastor of this very church, I could tell you the color of his hair, the clothes he was wearing, his age range, his attitude of remorse, and great need for acceptance etc etc.

ONE OF THE LADIES STOOD UP and said.. THAT IS MY SON!!! and he just called me a couple of days ago asking to come back home.

NO WHERE IN MY WILDEST DREAMS was I expecting that to happen!!!

 I thought MARK was a random guy that the HOLY SPIRIT had moved me to pray for.

TO my surprise, MARK was the SON of one of the WOMAN in the PRAYER GROUP. I am not sharing this as a matter of pride, I do NOT OWN a single gift myself, the GIFTS of the HOLY SPIRIT come "UPON US" not from us. 

1 Cor 14: 36  What? came the word of God out from you? or came it unto you only?

I was in SHOCK AND AWE myself, totally not expected that someone in the group knew MARK, much less finding out his mother was present that day.

 I certainly learned something NEW and PROFOUND that day about the WORK and MINISTRY of the HOLY SPIRIT.


We may be “DIFFERENT” in body, having many members and MINISTRY, but WE are “ALL” connected by “ONE SPIRIT”.

And the HOLY SPIRIT, knows every need, and every desire of the HEART. THE HOLY SPIRIT is able to “REVEAL” truth from one body member to the other, as the LORD sees fit for the “COMMON GOOD” of the BODY" as JESUS CHRIST ADMINISTERS..

You might ask.. WHY did the HOLY SPIRIT reveal this information to me?

Was I special, no not at all.

I was SIMPLY AVAILABLE for service:


I was practically the ONLY PERSON in the prayer group that DIDN’T know MARK.

MARK, had made an absolute mess of his life: fallen into drugs, abandoned the ministry, betrayed this small church, left his wife and children behind, not heard from in years, and NO ONE was in the  present mood to FORGIVE or EMBRACE this young man “EVER” again. The DUST had been shaken off their feet, and it TRULY was going to take an ACT of GOD, for them to open the door of FELLOWSHIP with this young man again.



1 Cor 14: 25 And thus are the secrets of his heart made manifest; and so falling down on [his] face he will worship God, .....

We all were OVER FILLED with the HOLY SPIRIT'S PRESENTS that day, women were crying out to the LORD for MARK and their own hearts, forgiving spirits were in the air.   NOT a dry eye in the room. EVEN the pastor showed up and became very involved in the prayer meeting.

MY HEALING came out of this prayer meeting:

And for some truly unknown reason or foreseen to me. ONE of the ELDERLY LADIES sitting next to me, decided to reach over and run ONE FINGER down my spine.

I felt a SURGE of POWER go down my spin, and in fact, it cracked, and KNEW immediately I had JUST BEEN HEALED.

I looked up at her with “QUESTIONING EYES” and she said..

“THE LORD told me to do that, I was just OBEDIENT to HIS COMMAND”

OUT OF A SIMPLE act of OBEDIENCE on her part, someone got healed.


WOW WOW WOW WOW.. I am STILL in amazement over this.

THE DESIRE for my OWN PERSONAL HEALING had not even entered my mind at the time of that prayer meeting. I was content in my suffering. And most amazing, this elderly woman had NO IDEA of my pain or suffering.. SHE simply acted out of OBEDIENCE to the LORD.

YET, for some unknown reason the LORD GRACIOUS HEALED ME THAT very moment and very day.



BEFORE this HEALING had come, I could barely move a broom across my floor, cook a meal for my family, or stand, sit, lie in any position for any length of time.

I am now 52 years old, I have been blessed with good health over all, I play volleyball for EXERCISE and RECREATION even today, along with my husband and son.  

My whole life is FILLED with GRATITUDE for what MY SAVIOR, LORD, and HEALER has done for me, first for MEETING HIM and having HIS FORGIVENESS and MOST of all for HIS PRESENTS in my LIFE.  That is TRUE prosperity.

HE is VERY REAL to me, HE is ALIVE and WELL.  I have a great deal of REVERANT FEAR for HIM.

I HEAR almost daily now:


BUT instead I shall say

“WHO can stand AGAINST a LORD,that has the POWER and AUTHORITY to CREATE and DESTROY with just a BREATH or WORD". 

OH what if the BODY, truly humbled itself before the LORD and LOOKED to HIS FACE for our healing, HIS purpose, HIS desires??  How different our lives would be today?  

OH and by the way, MARK did return home!!!! 

Though our experiences CAN NOT be the FOUNDATION of our belief, but I do believe that our experiences can offer elements of conformation that HE IS ALIVE and WELL among us.. AMEN.

I only hope that sharing this MIRACULOUS event from my life experience will encourage your walk and obedience towards HIM. HE IS A PERSONAL INTIMATE LORD, that LOVES and CARES for HIS BODY… AMEN

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