LET us commemorate this DAY with JOY and FESTIVITY!!!
I would like to offer you an inspection of TED MONTGOMERY'S BLOG for a study of the "SPRING FEAST" and how JESUS CHRIST FULFILLED THEM... AMEN
THANK YOU MR MONTGOMERY for allowing me to post your to your blog..
Happy Resurrection Day. This is the day that Yeshua/Jesus rose from the dead, fulfilling the Feast of Firstfruits. Following His resurrection, Jesus showed Himself to many people for forty days, after which He was taken up into heaven (Acts 1:3-11).
Many, throughout the centuries, have contested the resurrection of Jesus from death. This short article gives a summary of a few good reasons to believe in the resurrection:
Ten days after His ascension, on day fifty, the Holy Spirit = Spirit of Messiah came upon many and poured out His power upon them (Acts 2:1-4). This fulfilled the Feast of Weeks = Shavuot or Pentecost (Leviticus 23:15,16). Thus, Jesus fulfilled all four Spring Hebraic feasts and holy days at His first coming and will fulfill all three Fall feasts and holy days at His second coming—see How is it that Jesus is the fulfillment of the Jewish Spring and Fall feasts and holy days?
(Within this link there are other links available to study each FEAST individually)
(Within this link there are other links available to study each FEAST individually)
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