This is a reality check!!!!
I took an usually early nap
today, Just to find myself in a dream.
I ask myself was it inspirited by the HOLY SPIRIT?
Did I step into some kind of FUTURE event, or in this case, do I just have a good imagination. What I can say is that after I woke up the HOLY SPIRIT used the dream to bring about a REALITY CHECK to my mind and heart...
Perhaps it would benefit you to, to explore the possibilities of this type of future before the LORD?
I ask myself was it inspirited by the HOLY SPIRIT?
Did I step into some kind of FUTURE event, or in this case, do I just have a good imagination. What I can say is that after I woke up the HOLY SPIRIT used the dream to bring about a REALITY CHECK to my mind and heart...
Perhaps it would benefit you to, to explore the possibilities of this type of future before the LORD?
This is how the Dream started
In my dream, I had tickets to go to a vacation spot with my
family. It was something I was very excited about and looking forward to, there
was GREAT JOY in my heart concerning the TRIP, I knew it was going to the be
the BEST TRIP I had ever taken. I knew it was going to be a place of JOY, PEACE and
I won’t go into the rest of the dream, but before I was able
to leave for my trip I came across 3 different groups of people. It was more like I was "WITNESSING" these people around me more than actually being apart of their activities.
The three groups of people:
The three groups of people:
- Some were
memorized and hypnotized by the idols of gold and silver of this world
- There were those that were G LUTENIST and GREEDY, they were somewhat joyous, even in these times, I could tell they were JOBLESS. These ran to and fro from table to table, eating yet never really seeming to get full.
- A group that was COLD and NON COMPASSIONATE/ uncaring towards others,they were caught up in the stress’ of this world.
I woke up a bit perplexed about the dream.
what it meant.
And almost immediately these scriptures came to my heart, and
suddenly it was almost like I saw a VISION in my head of what our future holds.
2 THESS 2: 7 For the mystery of iniquity doth
already work: only he who now letteth [will let], until he be taken out of the
Matt 23: 28 Even so ye also
outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity.
MATT 24: 13 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.
The MYSTERY of INIQUITY is at work and it shall abound:
WHAT I saw in the VISION.
1. You might ask yourself, how are we going to feel when the
of OUR NATION, has forced the death, STOPPING the SACRIFICE of PRAISE and
FOR MANY, HE will be associated “as a FADE of times past, and
a creation of our own minds”
2. You might ask yourself, how are you going to feel when the BIBLES are removed
from EVERY SHELF of our stores, believed and professing they are
STORYS of fiction and fallacy, SOME believing that because of this WORD, their freedoms had been bound for a long time. They will rejoice over it's death.
STORYS of fiction and fallacy, SOME believing that because of this WORD, their freedoms had been bound for a long time. They will rejoice over it's death.
Anyone daring to mention HIS NAME or the WORD of GOD, will be targeted as bigots or
3. You might ask yourself, how are you going to feel, when at
the MENTION of your
association with the NAME of JESUS CHRIST, is going to ISOLATE YOU and make
others look upon you with suspicion or with great despising and coldness, there will be
SOME WILL give in to the PERSUASIONS of the CROWD.
I am sorry to say this, but for most people it is EASY to PRETEND you are a
CHILD OF the KING, because you have NOT SUFFER the consequences of being RELATED to OUR KING.
And as sad as it is, most are like “PACK ANIMALS/BEAST” who wouldn't dare get off the grave train list, for the fear of NOT FITTING IN, or for the least amount of comfort.
ALL consciousness of the LORD was gone. Wickedness was abounding at a rapid pace.
- PEOPLE that were MEMORIZED and HYPNOTIZED by the trinkets of gold and silver of this world.
MANY were very content to be at the KINGS
table even JOYFUL.
They were jobless, not really hungry or needy to my surprise, because they were JOYFULLY eating from the hands of another.
They were jobless, not really hungry or needy to my surprise, because they were JOYFULLY eating from the hands of another.
Running to and fro from table to table, seeking to be filled, plenty of food was provided for them, yet they were never really satisfied they would willingly give in to ANY MEANS or anything to fill their lust and greed.
GOOD FOOD and GOOD DRINKS will draw crowds and they will
truly believe they are living in safety and peace in the hands of the
GLUTENY and GREED will be a
driving force for the people/beast of this world.
And unless you are on that “GRAVE TRAIN” what you will find
before you, is HEARTS of coldness, filled with strive and suspicion.
SUSPICION will rise to the point that there will be a
feeling of GREAT ISOLATION for the BODY of CHRIST.
What it all
comes down to is this:
YOU will feel
like a TARGET, YOU will feel ISOLATED,
YOU will feel ABANDONED!!
ARE YOU OK with that?
Has your relationship with HIM, been so strong that YOU are certain that you KNOW HIM? Are you truly sold out to JESUS CHRIST?
Is your commitment so strong that you could endure the persecutions and isolation to come?
Is your commitment so strong that you could endure the persecutions and isolation to come?
Do you have the COURAGE to stand alone, denying yourself of the
pleasures of this WORLD with your minds and hearts SET on the ONE TO COME?
Will you find yourself giving in to your hunger and thirst?
OR will you find the FAITH to REACH to the ONE THAT CAN fill your hunger and
Will you testify that JESUS CHRIST IS alive and well, even if it means DEATH TO YOU?
EVEN when the WHOLE NATION is telling you that you are living
in a fantasy and fallacy?
I do have to ask myself these same questions, am I prepared for such a time as this?
I am as susceptible to these things as you are, for in the dream I did feel the isolation, but then again Isolation is not new to me. AND somewhat felt intimated by the SIZE of the people that were bring about the persecution.
I am as susceptible to these things as you are, for in the dream I did feel the isolation, but then again Isolation is not new to me. AND somewhat felt intimated by the SIZE of the people that were bring about the persecution.
IF MY HEART and MIND had no been SET on the TRIP that I was about to take, (which I believe was to HEAVEN with my LORD and SAVIOR) I am not certain that I could have endured the TEMPTATIONS of what I SAW.
Would I have even been persuaded by all these PEOPLE, MERCHANDISE and GOODS, the yummy foods or even from the persecution and isolation to be TEMPTED to abandon
the cause.
Is it something that I even have to concern myself with? OR will I somehow be given an amazing portion of FAITH during that time. I really don't know....
Is it something that I even have to concern myself with? OR will I somehow be given an amazing portion of FAITH during that time. I really don't know....
I can not pretend that is going to be easy. Anytime we are TRIED for our FAITH, or TEMPTED it is NOT EASY!!!
But I am always and forever reminded that JESUS CHRIST is THE GOD of MY WORLD and the ROCK of my
salvation. HE has promised to provide my ‘food and clothing”. PERHAPS NOT a shelter over my head or a car to drive.
HIM. I have SEEN MIRACLES in my own life, healing, and provisions and for me
those are EVIDENCE of HIS EXISTENCE in my life.
I am reminded that HE provided MANNA in the wilderness for
the ISRAELITE'S HE can fill my hunger and thirst.
I am also reminded that STEPHEN, while being put to death by
stoning, LOOKED UP and SAW JESUS CHRIST sitting beside the FATHER, and was able
to endure his stoning with FAITH.
I am also reminded that HE IS MY GREAT HOPE, and I WILL RISE
again one day to LIVE in a KINGDOM, in HIS GLORIOUS PRESENCES, where I WILL LIVE FOREVER, where I will
NEVER hunger nor thirst again.
ADMONISHMENT: IT is never too late to seek to strengthen your relationship with HIM.
HIM, for though it may not be EASY for us in the FUTURE, HE IS FAITHFUL, to those that LOVE HIM an OBEY HIM. HE WILL provide what we need to endure in LIFE or IN DEATH.
LORD JESUS have mercy upon us, for we are weak, but YOU are strong..
Make your presence known to us like you have never done before. We need your
strength, we need your guidance. Lord provide others in our life that will
encourage us in our growth and faith in YOU.
1 Cor 13: 6 Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth;
ZEC 1: 3 Therefore say thou unto them, Thus saith the LORD ofhosts ; Turn ye unto me, saith the LORD of hosts, and I will turn unto you, saith the LORD of hosts.
ZEC 1: 3 Therefore say thou unto them, Thus saith the LORD of
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