Monday, August 13, 2012



I would like to start a study concerning the BEAST and the PROPHET: 

I think there is much confusion about the position of the PROPHET among us.

Who is the villian called the PROPHET
Who is he working for?
What is his purpose and agenda?
Does he succeed at his agenda?

And what is the FINAL outcome of this AGENDA?

Some of the POINTS I seek to share:

1. He is not just a simple ordinary man, he is in a POSIITON of AUTHORITY, a leader, perhaps a president or Prime minister etc over a KINGDOM.

2. He is the builder of the 7th EMPIRE upon the EARTH. He gives "LIFE" to the EMPIRE on which the HARLOT REIGNS.

3. That the PROPHET of JOHN and the “LITTLE HORN” of DANIEL, are most likely the same entity..


REV 13: 14   And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by [the means of] those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.

REV 13: 15  And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.

Today let’s begin with :     Where did this prophet get his power?

The PROPHET has his powers from TWO sources upon the earth:

A.     The DRAGON, mostly through the dragons power and authority.

B.      The BEAST EMPIRE, through military means.

According to Rev 13: 11   The prophet spoke like a dragon.  

This particular verse though it may be short, tells us a great deal about the prophet.


  1. The prophet is an acceptable vessel for the dragon to work through.
  2. The prophet is in the character of his master, deceptive, lier, etc.
  3. The prophet is USED by his master to accomplish his masters agenda.
  4. The prophet is Working from the SAME AUTORITY and THE "SEAT" of Satan.

Rev 13: 14 … those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast..

THE BEAST:  MOST seem to miss this portion of the scripture:

If you can receive that this is an EMPIRE BEAST that is referred to in this VERSE: you will begin to understand that the POWER the PROPHET has is the power that is PRESENTLY in HIS SIGHT.

The AUTHORITY that he has through his “POSITION” to control and command an ARMY.

Notice carefully.. he can do these MIRACLES while he was “IN THE SIGHT OF THE BEAST”.


in the presence of, before

a)     of occupied place: in that place which is before, or over against, opposite, any one and towards which another turns his eyes.

THIS VERSE is ALSO often missed:

REV 13: 12 And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast
He is given the POWER and AUTHORITY that the FIRST BEAST was given because of his POSITION:

What power did the FIRST BEAST HAVE?

REV 13: 2 and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.

IT the "EMPIRE" had the POWER and AUTHORITY and "THE SEAT" of satan.

Satan, still has the power and authority upon this earth, and he has GIVEN his choosen VESSEL the PROPHET, the POSITION and powers and authority to RULE over his KINGDOM.


The PROPHET is not just an ORDINARY man, that is just going to SUDDENLY APPEAR upon this EARTH. Like he is going to FALL from the sky.
He is a VESSEL in which SATAN works through to complete his AGENDA, of ONE WORLD ORDER/BABEL/BABYALON. Satan has given him his AUTHORITY and SEAT to work with.

This individual mostly likely will be in a position of AUTHORITY, like a PRESIDENT, Prime misinister  etc. 

He may have MIRACULOUS powers, but you can be SURE he has BOMB powers in the form of missles and arms.  This PROPHET is responsible for BUILDING the NEW and IMPROVED EMPIRE of our time... THE NWO.

The PROPHET is in a position of Authority upon this EARTH, so much so that he will have AUTHORITY to COMMAND and DIRECT an ARMY for the purpose of BRINGING “WORSHIP” to the dragon.

To be continued:

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