Friday, February 10, 2012

The HARLOT of Revelations and the QUEEN of HEAVEN.

I know what the TRADITIONAL thought has always been about the HARLOT of Revelation.

I have heard the same old STORY a thousand times. And it is BECAUSE of that TRADITIONAL THOUGHT many CONSISTENTLY look at the CHURCH, the VATICAN, and the JEWS to fulfill that Role of the HARLOT.. It does not mean that she CAN"T be any of these but that is NOT the FULL TEST of who the HARLOT is.  

SEE POST" " the Woman of Revelation"

Please Please BODY OF CHRIST, consider this PRAYERFULLY and CAREFULLY before the LORD.

I am seeking to tell all of you,  be VERY careful where you hang your hat, as to the identification of the HARLOT. that you be not DECEIVED or BETRAYED. It is very important that we keep our eyes OPEN to the HOLY SPIRIT'S leading on this. For many are going to be DECEIVED and find themselves in a place of SUFFERING, because they DESIRE to hold onto TRADITIONAL THOUGHTS and DOCTRINES.


She is a HARLOT,  it is her profession and occupation, the kind of works that she performs.


She is a part of ANOTHER KINGDOM.

A HARLOT can be an adulteress

But to be a HARLOT does not mean one is an ADULTERESS or GOD.

One is not UNFAITHFUL, if they were NEVER with GOD in the first place.

This HARLOT in Revelations isn’t unfaithful to her god, for her father is the devil. 

She is performing the WORKS of the satan/devil.

She is Working for enemy. She is an occult prostitute.

She is the ONE that ISRAEL went A WHORING AFTER:

She is equivalent to the QUEEN of HEAVEN spoken of in Jeremiah 7: 18
Judges 2: 11-15 And the children of ISRAEL did evil in the sight of the LORD, and served BAALIM.

Harlotry and prostitution was commonly practiced in both the NEW Testament times and OLD Testament.

If we could imagine how difficult it was for ‘woman’ of that time to be single or destitute, we could understand how easy it was for one to become a HARLOT, WHORE or PROSITUTE.

GOD FORBIDE HIS people to participate in such practices.  That is one of the reason the LAWS were so strict about putting away a wife or daughter.

Israel got in trouble all the time because they were “PLAYING THE HARLOT”

Playing the HARLOT is what one DOES or PRACITICES, being an ADULTRESS is what one IS.
In its simpliest form.

ISRAEL was prostituting/whoring themselves to PAGAN nations for there “GOODS and TRADE”, which is an ABOMINATION to GOD.

It is a lot like calling the OUTSIDE WORLD infidels, and coming into practice with them.

Deut 23: 18 Thou shalt not bring the hire of a whore (2181), or the price of a dog, into the house of the LORD thy God for any vow: for even both these [are] abomination unto the LORD thy God.

EZ 16: 41 And they shall burn thine houses with fire, and execute judgments upon thee in the sight of many women: and I will cause thee to cease from playing the harlot, and thou also shalt give no hire any more.

This is the GREEK WORD used in REVELATION:

 GREEK WORD:  4204
 a woman who sells her body for sexual uses
a) a prostitute, a harlot, one who yields herself to defilement for the sake of gain
b) any woman indulging in unlawful sexual intercourse, whether for gain or for lust
2) metaph. an idolatress
a) of "Babylon" i.e. Rome, the chief seat of idolatry

WAS RAHAB anything other than a WHORE/ HARLOT?

James 2: 25 Likewise also was not Rahab the harlot4204 justified by works, when she had received the messengers, and had sent [them] out another way?

1 Cort 6: 16 What? know ye not that he which is joined to an harlot4204 is one body? for two, saith he , shall be one flesh.

If one JOINS to the HARLOT one is JOINED to the WORLD.

Joshua  2: 1
And Joshua the son of Nun sent out of Shittim two men to spy secretly, saying, Go view the land, even Jericho. And they went, and came into an harlot's house, named Rahab, and lodged there,

Rahab lived with her family, she was not married until later.  THROUGH her FAITH she became an ADOPTED SOUL of the KINGDOM OF GOD.

Blessings donna and PLEASE consider this very carefullly.

Just to give you some insight here is a portion of the Vision:


She is the beautiful side of evil!!!

REV 18

She is a woman that is very enticing, very seductive. Holding her hand out calling to the people. "COME and share my bed" and I will offer you my GOODS, Her goods and merchandise surround her: IE pearls, jewels, gold, silver, foods, and delicies

MANY seemingly WILL not or WOULD not refuse or resist her, for she had GREAT GOODS, and merchandise that they "WANT, DESIRE and LUST " after them, and some merely out of NEED of wheat, cinnamon, meats,  went to her willingly etc.

The problem with that was... That must take her MARK that is UPON her HEAD to get these goods..

"BABYLON" was her mark, and she is of the SPIRIT of the Anti-Christ

REV 17: 5 And upon her forehead was a NAME WRITTEN,

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