Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Personal Testimony concerning the FALL FEAST: wecrymercy


For years I have been burdened in my heart that PERHAPS the BODY of CHRIST should acknowledge and participate in these FALL FEASTS. But I have sought to IGNORE that burden..  I BELIEVE I was WRONG to think that way and have possibly been QUENCHING the SPIRIT of the LORD by my own ignorance.. 

It isn't about LAW, but about participating in a KINGDOM. It is also about BELIEVING in the 2nd RETURN of JESUS CHRIST.

These are GOD’S HOLY/ set apart  FEASTS, and they are an OFFERING to HIS BODY to participate in HIS HOLY DESIRE of REPENTANCE, RESTORATION and ATONEMENT..

After a week of SERIOUS study on this subject of the FALL FEASTS, I am going to share some conclusions that have come to from my personal study of the FEASTS of the LORD.

AT this time in my life, I personally would not seek to IMPOSE upon others the observation of the FEASTS. For without the HEART involved in this TYPE of SERVICE to the LORD, it would become LIP service, and religious rhetoric. I do not believe the LORD DESIRES that, but rather that we participate from a REJOICING and a WORSHIPFUL heart.

I DON’T consider them a MANDATE for the BODY of CHRIST, but rather an INVITATION and a CALL, to SHARE together as an “ASSEMBLY” in the prophetic time table of GOD, and the FRUITS of the SPIRIT as an “ASSEMBLY”, together in repentance, restoration and RENEWAL, 

A. In my opinion: they are an INVITATION from the LORD, to be SET-APART from the WORLD, as though what is TO COME has already COME.
IE the Day of the Lord and the millennium period.

B. They promote UNITY, Like mindedness, as an ASSEMBLY, in REPENTANCE and RESTORATION.

C. They are a WITNESS to the WORLD and each other, that our FAITH is standing on HOLY GROUND, an example that we TRULY do believe there is a “DAY OF THE LORD” and a millennium period in which CHRIST will REIGN as KING OF KINGS and LORD of LORDS.

  1. FEAST of TRUMPETS: a trumpet is blown sounded for FOURTY DAYS as a warning that the days of judgment and of atonement are approaching.  A Call for REPENTANCE, before these perilous times.
  2. The DAY OF ATONEMENT: The LAST DAY available for REPENTANCE. The ATONEMENT is about to be applied to ALL those that are IN HIM. Considered the LAST DAY of the “DAY OF THE LORD”.
  3. The FEAST of TABERNACLES:  A time of CELEBRATION for all those in the KINGDOM of GOD. As though we are living in the MILLENNIUM.

HERE are few of the HONEST Questions I had to ask myself during this study:

WHY am I opposing the observance of the FALL FEASTS?
Am I opposed to the “DAY OF THE LORD”?
Do I believe there is a "DAY OF THE LORD"?
Am I opposed to “UNITY”?
Am I opposed to “REPENTANCE”?
Am I opposed to WHAT MY FATHER Is teaching and doing?


  1. They BELONG to the LORD, and I believe they are offered as a PROPHETIC MESSAGE to the BODY of CHRIST.
  2. HE is “OUR” PASSOVER LAMB, not only for the JEWS, We will be “Gathered” together at the DAY OF THE LORD.
  3. IT is considered an ASSEMBLY/ gathering/ UNITY, ONE mindedness before the LORD, “ALL” the BODY.
(note: we are commanded not to forsake the assembly. (joel 2: 16, Heb 19:25)
  1. A day of reflection for known sin and a day of revealing of sin before HIM.
  2. The FEASTS promote HUMILITY before GOD and the BODY of CHRIST.
  3. Because the FATHER in HEAVEN has offered this as a DAY of VISITATION, as a DAY that HE promises to hear our prayers and supplications.
  4. It appears WE as the Body of Christ will be included in them, at the day of the LORD.
  5. They are also a CELEBRATION: from the PROSPECTIVE of what is ALREADY DONE, by the HIGH PRIEST:  JESUS CHRIST as the SACRIFICE, and WHAT Is to COME,  the DAY of the LORD, and the MILLI UM KINGDOM, the “REST” that the FATHER will bring to HIS PEOPLE at the END OF TIME.

For “the BODY of CHRIST” (uh that would be me)

Each of these 3 FEAST have relevance to the End TIME event known as “THE DAY OF THE LORD” and the MESSIANIC KINGDOM ruled by our LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST.

SO now that I have CONCLUDED these things. HOW do I make them a part of my PERSONAL walk?

Right now, I have NO idea how I find a BODY OF BELIEVERS to UNITE on this.
As an individual, certainly I can take any day to REPENT, Cry out to the LORD. But this is a CALLING to an ASSEMBLY of people, for the PURPOSE of UNITY and CELEBRATION to what is to come.

Now that the LORD has opened my eyes to the PURPOSE and FUNCTION of these FEAST. I lay it at HIS FEET, and will TRUST that my WILLINGNESS to participate is enough for HIM to OPEN doors of opportunity in the FUTURE for me to be able to UNITE with others of LIKE-MINDEDNESS.

Note: I have not been influenced by any other means other than PRAYER, FASTING and STUDYING.
TODAY beings the "FEAST OF TABERNACLES"  a CELEBRATION, not mourning,  and I will REJOICE IN SPIRIT, though PHYSICALLY I will not be able to attend.with the BODY.  BUT, NEXT YEAR, hopefully I will be able to tell a different story.. Instead of marking our HOLIDAYS the way we use to, we will set aside these days as HOLY.

Now I suppose it will be interesting to How many will cast me out from their fellowship.. : (

Here are a couple of  THOUGHTS:
Could this be some of the FIRST STEPS we make at the "COMING OUT OF BABYLON"???
Do you believe there is a "DAY OF THE LORD"
Do you believe there is a "TIME OF the MILLENNIUM. KINGDOM"? 
Amen and Amen.

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